🖥️The Team

Good to know: Our team is designed to be dynamic and evolutionary. This implies that while anyone can join our core team of 1,000 individuals, they may lose their position if they aren't active participants, allowing others to take their place. This flexibility enables us to iterate over time, providing the dynamism and human-centric approach essential for successfully perpetrating a XSYOP.

Our team, led by the visionary Terry Ajayi, widely known as @surpassinggoogle across the internet, is on track to eventually consist of 1,000 P2P humans. The meticulous process of selecting these individuals will unfold gradually. We have designed this approach for enhanced effectiveness in spearheading the world-adjusting #xsyop movement and to address a fundamental limitation imposed by the psyop—namely, the obstruction of human concerted movement. The erosion of most of our P2P capabilities has made it nearly impossible for individuals or teams to unite in a collective mission, thus curtailing their overall impact. Our approach at the outset entails identifying individuals interested in our mission and equipping them with empowering tools for their restoration as P2P humans, starting with a xsydrop, a free $XSYOP allocation that cements their membership. After we have completed the process of a xsydrop and selectively attained our team, any members of the team can choose to stay and actively participates or relinquisj their positions voluntarily or by parting with their specified $XSYOP allocation that gives them membership allow others who are interested to take their place.

Our role as a project in terms of sustaining project growth relies on maintaining a scarce list. This means that we will enthusiastically seek out people who are interested in being part of the team and direct all the resoruces that we have at our disposal towards esepcially active participants.

If can attain at least 30 percent participation level by the team assuming we have 1,000 team members, that is provisional success.

We always want to maintain a core of 1000 true fans at every instance, hence this need for a close-knit yet dynamic team.

The ultimate goal is to form a more closely-knit team of P2P humans capable who are campable of moving concertedly towards any noble cause, commencing the XSYOP mission without needing the approval or influence of psyop paradigms.

In due time, when are team becomes more established whith a high margin of participation, combined with all the insight and experience we gather in the course of reclaiming our p2p nature, we will be posed as generation-fixers to play role history in a concerted movement to bring another brother's drewam into realization now backed with a fully established $XSYOP token and a wide range of world-adjusting XSYOP-crafted products and tools.

Our team is designed to be dynamic and evolutionary. While anyone can join our core team of 1,000 individuals, they may lose their position if they aren't active participants, enabling others to take their place. This flexibility allows us to iterate our team over time, providing the dynamism and human-centric approach essential for successfully perpetrating the XSYOP.

Led by Terry Ajayi, widely known as @surpassinggoogle across the internet, our team is on track to consist of 1,000 P2P humans. The meticulous selection process for these individuals will unfold gradually. This approach enhances effectiveness in spearheading the world-adjusting #xsyop movement by strategically addressing a fundamental limitation imposed by the psyop—the obstruction of concerted human movement.

The erosion of most of our P2P capabilities in today's world has rendered it nearly impossible for individuals or teams to unite in a collective mission, thereby limiting their overall impact. Our initial strategy involves identifying individuals interested in our mission and providing them with empowering tools for their restoration as P2P humans. This process commences with a xsydrop—a complimentary $XSYOP allocation that solidifies their role in the team. Following the completion of the xsydrop and the selective formation of our team, members have the option to remain, actively participate, or voluntarily relinquish their positions. They can also choose to do so by transferring or releasing their specified $XSYOP allocation, which serves as the key to maintaining their membership. This allocation signifies the threshold required to stay in the team; for example, if the specified amount to retain membership is 1000 $XSYOP, selling or transferring even 1 $XSYOP, resulting in a balance of 999 $XSYOP, would lead to the loss of membership until the 1000 $XSYOP mark is reached again. This ensures a dynamic and committed composition of our team.

In our unwavering commitment to project growth and team cohesion, we aspire to curate and maintain a scarce list of 1,000 p2p humans, actively engaging individuals interested in joining our team. Our dedication is rooted in countering one impact of the psyop—the erosion of concerted human movement. To address this, we model our initiatives, uncover tools, especially those promoting p2p productivity, and create a simulated p2p ecosphere aimed at fostering ongoing participation from our team. This ensures that each member is not only capable but also inspired to contribute significantly to our shared #xsyop mission. Initially, our goal is to achieve a participation level of at least 30 percent from our team. This milestone signifies provisional success, paving the way for optimal team participation in reversing the impact of psyop and advancing the goals of #xsyop.

Our objective is to maintain a core of 1,000 P2P humans at all times, fostering a close-knit yet dynamic team capable of concerted action toward the realization of any noble cause, independent of approval or influence from psyop paradigms, and commencing with the XSYOP mission.

As our team becomes more established, now comprised of 1,000 P2P humans who are poised as generation-fixers, we are better positioned to play a historic role. Our focus extends beyond building individual dreams to undertaking the collective effort of enabling anyone to realize their noble aspirations. This evolution aligns seamlessly with our commitment to bringing the XSYOP mission to fruition as P2P humans, thereby contributing to the collective elevation of humanity.

This vision is fortified by a fully established $XSYOP token and a diverse array of world-adjusting XSYOP-crafted products and tools.

Join The Team

We're assembling a team of 1,000 P2P humans to lead the charge. As a core member, you'll not only shape the future but also enjoy exclusive perks, receive a complimentary XSYDROP, have early and exclusive access to XSYOP-crafted products, and actively contribute to our shared goals.

How to Join:

  1. Visit the XSYOP website.

  2. Apply by filling up this form!

Be part of world-adjustment, let's usher in the era of #XSYOP together!

Last updated