🎨Token Model

Token Model: Unveiling the Essence of XSYOPnomics

In crafting XSYOPnomics, Project XSYOP takes a distinctive approach by placing paramount focus on a unique scarce model—the coveted community of 1,000 P2P humans. This select group forms the core of Project XSYOP and serves as the essence of our scarcity model. Their active engagement, influence, and ongoing participation are intricately woven into every aspect of our tokenomics, ensuring a dynamic and community-driven ecosystem.

This approach emphasizes the scarcity and value of humans, particularly P2P human participation, over traditional commodities or monetary values. The scarcity is defined by the exclusivity and limited number of these active P2P humans who play a central role in shaping and driving Project XSYOP forward.

Underlying this approach is the idea that our token can succeed whether facing bulls or bears because humans are actively involved. As a team, it streamlines our growth effort and positions Project XSYOP with the simple aspirational role of maintaining a scarce list.

Our project's growth relies on testimonial evidence of the transformation of humans into P2P humans. Whether we uplift one or a thousand individuals to the net worth of Elon Musk and beyond, creating generation-fixers ensures the project's success.

In orchestrating XSYOP, we rewind eras to a time when the psyop wasn't in full swing—an era when humans held sway in society. This endeavor is made possible by blockchain technology and Web3, effectively transporting us back to an era where humans and society had a peer-to-peer (P2P) nature.

Building upon this foundation, our entire movement rests on the shoulders of 1,000 P2P humans, constituting our scarce model. This stands in stark contrast to traditional token or project models, typically guarded by a money-centric (bulls or bears) scarce model. Project XSYOP is poised to succeed, whether facing bulls or bears, due to the intrinsic involvement of humans. In pursuit of this goal, we will harness a cheaper-than-free economy backed by $XSYOP, seeking to redefine the role of money in society by prioritizing the return of value to humans.

The success of our project hinges on the emergence and sustainability of a scarce list comprising 1,000 P2P humans. This approach streamlines our path to success and instills the inspirational fortitude needed to succeed.

In every aspect—whether in our tokenomics, innovation strategies, nuances, or paradigms—we meticulously consider our scarce model. Our goal is to showcase the potency of P2P humans, especially when they move in concert, starting with the 1,000 individuals who constitute the core of Project XSYOP. Let's explore the boundless, world-adjusting, and innovative revelations that await us. It is indeed time to restore, reveal, and proudly display the human shine that the psyop has managed to obscure.

We plan to conduct both an #airdrop for the general public and a #xsydrop for 1,000 selected individuals who will play a crucial role in advancing the #xsyop movement. To enhance the gamification of our xsyopnomics, recipients of an xsydrop will receive an allocation 10 times larger than airdrop recipients.

This distribution model will position these 1,000 recipients, who will form the core of Project XSYOP (our scarce model), in a more prominent role, shaping our project and contributing to its success. Membership in this exclusive 1,000 also comes with unique perks. However, to maintain their positions as the core of the project, these individuals must uphold a specified level of participation and maintain a certain $XSYOP allocation; otherwise, their rights can be acquired by others.

In summary, while $XSYOP will serve various utility functions within our ecosystem, it forms the foundation of a well-crafted governance mechanism, enabling us to sustain a dedicated core group of 1,000 Xsyopers.

We've embedded this evolutionary paradigm into our XSYOPnomics from the outset, fostering an aspirational environment. This forms the basis for the decision to administer a widespread airdrop event besides our proprietary XSYDROP, welcoming 120,000 individuals with an initial allocation of 100 $XSYOP. This introduction not only acquaints them with Project XSYOP but also provides the foundational $XSYOP requirement, inspiring them to aspire to become active members of the core team.

Similarly, the 1,000 pioneer team members, beneficiaries of the XSYDROP, now possess more than enough $XSYOP to solidify their membership as team members and play a pivotal role in shaping the XSYOP movement. Our project's growth and community development aspirations depend on maintaining the exclusivity of 1,000 P2P humans per instance. This aspirational environment fosters the sustainability and longevity needed to make a meaningful impact, reversing the psyop and its limiting effects on humanity. We've seamlessly incorporated this into the $XSYOP mechanics as well.

Here's a brief overview of its key features of our XSYOPNOMICS:

$XSYOP boasts a finite supply meticulously set at 14,444,444, a decision rooted in strategic planning to ensure the project's enduring vitality and cultivate sustainable community expansion. The genesis of this figure lies in a thoughtful allocation strategy, where 90% of the tokens will be distributed in two strategic events. The first, a widespread airdrop involving a portion of the 90%, amounts to 12,000,000 $XSYOP. The second event, XSYDROP, involves the distribution of 1,000,000 $XSYOP, constituting the remaining portion of the 90%, resulting in a total of 13,000,000 $XSYOP.

These events are designed to engage and reward the community actively. The first event targets a broad audience of 120,000 $ALLY holders who participated in a recent L2 inscription event organized by 50 prominent Web3 projects, with each participant receiving 100 $XSYOP. This strategic move contributes significantly to the overall supply, generating widespread ownership and participation.

In addition, the more selective XSYDROP initiative involves the distribution of 1,000 $XSYOP each to the 1,000 individuals who will constitute our pioneer core team members. As 90% of the supply is accounted for through these two airdrop events, the remaining 10% was factored in, culminating in a meticulously estimated finite supply of 14,444,444 $XSYOP.

  • $XSYOP operates as a reflection token with a 2% tax applied to both buys and sells.

  • 90% of the token supply will be distributed to the public through two channels: a traditional widespread airdrop intended for 120,000 $ALLY holders (where $ALLY is an L2 inscription-based token that has unified communities across 50 prominent web3 projects) and a XSYDROP involving 1,000 selected recipients who will form the core team of Project XSYOP.

  • 5% is designated for fundraising, aimed at bootstrapping initial liquidity and developing our flagship product.

  • 5% is allocated for project development and growth.

  • Tax Allocation: A 2% tax is applied to buys/sells, with portions allocated to liquidity, product development, and a treasury to reward active core members.

Reminder: $XSYOP embodies unique paradigms, shifting the focus from traditional financial models to human-centric principles. It is more than just a token; it's a directional tool designed to inspire 'mining the human' endeavors.

Join The Team

We're assembling a team of 1,000 P2P humans to lead the charge. As a core member, you'll not only shape the future but also enjoy exclusive perks, receive a complimentary XSYDROP, have early and exclusive access to XSYOP-crafted products, and actively contribute to our shared goals.

How to Join:

  1. Visit the XSYOP website.

  2. Apply by filling up this form!

Be part of world-adjustment, let's usher in the era of #XSYOP together!

Last updated