πŸ“An Ordered Web3 Knowledge Base.

Recognizing the power of removing barriers to entry from web3 knowledge, XSYOP proudly presents its flagship product – the first and only ordered Web3 knowledge base.

In the rapidly evolving world of web3, convenient access to a well-structured and ordered knowledge base is a challenge. In practical terms, such an ordered web3 knowledge base is lacking, given the ambitious legacy effort it would take to create one, limiting access to one of the world's most empowering knowledge bases. The disarray in currently available learning resources, owing to the rapidly evolving pace of web3, significantly contributes to the difficulties users face in navigating and understanding web3. Although learning resources exist, they are dispersed and lack a cohesive structure or directional element, hindering users from fully exploring and maximizing the potential of web3, including its associated infrastructure and tools relevant for human empowerment and evolution.

Recognizing the power of eliminating barriers to entry in web3 knowledge, XSYOP proudly presents its flagship product – the first and only ordered Web3 knowledge base.

This Web3 knowledge base will be exclusively accessible for free to members of our gated community, specifically the 1,000 individuals comprising our core team. Aspiring individuals can join the core team and gain complimentary access, while those outside the team will need to pay for access.

Drawing on insights gained from writing the first no-book, creating 3,500 YouTube video tutorials about web3, and documenting 19,000 publications about web3, we acknowledge the need for a structured approach. This strategic move is informed by our experience and understanding of the challenges faced in fully unlocking access to web3 knowledge. Our legacy endeavor is poised to impact current and future generations as web3 becomes the stable version of the internet, driving human evolution and empowerment.

In general, the painted world has deliberately complexified knowledge to monopolize and monetize it, limiting access to the most empowering knowledge bases and effectively transforming humans into recurring clients, where knowledge becomes a sought-after commodityβ€”a consciously crafted strategy or product by the psyop that demands reversal.

Then emerged web3, an advanced internet infrastructure utilized to bring about a reversal and unveil the hidden or untold aspects of knowledge, thereby unlocking full-fledge access to it. Web3 operates on a public, immutable, and censor-proof peer-to-peer (p2p) infrastructure with an innate reward distribution mechanism, incentivizing p2p humans to continually reveal knowledge. However, this hasn't been the case. Despite web3's potential to eliminate barriers to entry from knowledge, its sophisticated technology remains fundamentally basic as a tool for this purpose when humans fail to maximize its innate p2p nature and consciously apply it to effectively democratize access to information.

For humans to fully apply and maximize web3 towards unlocking access to knowledge, they need full-fledged access to web3 knowledge, which itself has become barricaded. Available Web3 learning resources, essentially 'blogs and vlogs,' used to relay web3 knowledge, are non-p2p content forms native to web2, guarded by web2 paradigms that favor complexifying knowledge. Additionally, access to web3 knowledge comes with its own inherent complexities due to its rapid iteration and advancement. Ironically, in the web3 space, access to web3 knowledge becomes monetized, censored, and monopolized, limiting access to its full potential in unlocking full-fledged access to the most empowering knowledge bases. To reverse these impacts of the psyop on human existence and restore a basic human rightβ€”full-fledged access to the world's most empowering knowledge bases, including web3 knowledgeβ€”we have created ulogs, a meticulously crafted content form native to web3.

As a seamless introduction to the concept of ulogging and to showcase the power of ulogs in making knowledge accessible for every human, we embark on documenting our flagship product: the first and only ordered web3 knowledge base in ulogging style.

The 'U' in 'ulogs' signifies 'you' and has been paradigm-shifted to eliminate complexity associated with every knowledge base. By documenting our flagship ulogging style, we can seamlessly introduce the art of ulogging while removing barriers to entry for web3 knowledge, with each tutorial bearing a 'YOU,' a humanistic touch, capturing even the challenges involved in navigating web3 and documenting the evolution required to reclaim our p2p capabilities. This approach makes the content consumable and curatable, unlocking other underexplored yet salient aspects of content evolution, such as curation, that prevalent forms like blogs and vlogs have constrained. Overall, this makes the flagship product, the first and only ordered web3 knowledge base, relatable, humanistic, and encourages every human irrespective of their social status, literacy level, or niche interest to delve into the web3 industry without reservations. Anyone can suddenly create, consume, and curate ulogs about web3, while not everyone can dare to create, curate, or consume blogs or vlogs about web3. In one testimonial yet preempted plot, we can unlock full-fledged access to one of the most empowering knowledge bases of all time with our flagship product, the first and only ordered web3 knowledge base.

Till date, a well-structured and ordered Web3 knowledge base doesn't exist, given the ambitious legacy effort it would take to create one, limiting access to one of the world's most empowering knowledge bases. The disarray in current Web3 learning resources, a result of its rapid evolution and open-source, peer-to-peer (p2p) nature, poses challenges for users in navigating and understanding Web3. These resources, while existing, are dispersed and lack an ordered or directional structure, hindering users from fully exploring and maximizing the potential of web3 for human empowerment and evolution.

Recognizing the significance of breaking down barriers to entry in web3 knowledge, XSYOP proudly presents its flagship product – the first and only ordered Web3 knowledge base. Drawing on insights gained from creating 3,500 YouTube Web3 video tutorials, documenting 19,000 publications about web3, and pioneering the first Web3 no-book, we comprehend the necessity for an ordered approach. This strategic move involves creating the inaugural and exclusive ordered web3 knowledge base, featuring 1,000 tutorial videos. It is informed by our realization of the world-adjusting impact of unlocking access to one of the most empowering knowledge bases today – web3 knowledge. Our legacy endeavor is also timely and positioned to influence current and future generations as web3 evolves into the stable version of the internet.

In general, the painted world has deliberately complexified knowledge to monopolize and monetize it, thereby limiting access to the most empowering knowledge bases. This consciously crafted strategy or product of the psyop has effectively transformed humans into recurring clients, where 'knowledge' attains god status in societyβ€”a means to an end, with the 'end' being 'money'.

Then, web3 emergedβ€”an advanced peer-to-peer (P2P) internet infrastructure designed to simplify knowledge and unveil its hidden or untold aspects. Operating on a public, immutable, and censor-proof P2P infrastructure along with a native reward distribution mechanism, web3 is modeled to incentivize individuals to continually reveal knowledge. Yet, full-fledged access to knowledge has managed to remain eroded. Despite web3's potential to eliminate barriers to entry in knowledge, its sophisticated P2P technology remains fundamentally basic as a tool for this purpose when humans remain quite incapable of maximally applying it to effectively decentralize access to information, having lost their own P2P capabilities to the psyop system of things.

For humans to fully apply and maximize web3 towards unlocking access to the world's most empowering knowledge bases, they will need full-fledged access to web3 knowledge, which itself has become barricaded. Available Web3 learning resources, essentially 'blogs and vlogs,' are non-P2P content forms native to web2, guarded by web2 paradigms that favor complexifying knowledge. Additionally, web3 knowledge comes with its own inherent complexities due to the rapidly advancing pace of web3, owing to its P2P and open-source nature. Unironically, web3 knowledge has started becoming monetized, censored, and monopolized, limiting its full potential in unlocking full-fledged access to the most empowering knowledge bases. To reverse these impacts of the psyop on human existence and restore a basic human rightβ€”full-fledged access to the world's most empowering knowledge bases, including web3 knowledgeβ€”we have created ulogs, a meticulously crafted content form native to web3.

To seamlessly introduce the concept of ulogging and showcase its power in making knowledge accessible for every human, we embark on documenting our flagship product: the first and only ordered web3 knowledge base, made up of 1,000 ulogs.

The 'U' in 'Ulogs' signifies 'You' and has been meticulously modeled to eliminate complexity associated with fully accessing every empowering knowledge base. By documenting our flagship product 'ulogging style', we seamlessly introduce the art of ulogging while removing barriers to entry for web3 knowledge. Each of the 1000 tutorials bears a 'YOU' element, adding a humanistic touch that makes for more relatable and realistic content. In general, ulogging makes content consumable, removing barriers while also unveiling underexplored aspects of content evolution like curation and promotion, often constrained in prevalent content forms like blogs and vlogs. Overall, our flagship product, the first and only ordered web3 knowledge base, becomes relatable, humanistic, and encourages every individual, irrespective of social status, literacy level, or niche interest, to delve into the web3 industry without reservations. Anyone can suddenly create, consume, and curate ulogs about web3, in stark contrast to what is obtainable with blogs and vlogs. In one testimonial yet preempted plot, we can unlock full-fledged access to one of the most empowering knowledge bases of all time with our flagship product, the first and only ordered web3 knowledge base.

Are You Ready

Experience the richness of web3 and become empowered with XSYOP's meticulously crafted Web3 knowledge base, featuring 1,000 tutorial ulogs organized and put in order from start to finish. This legacy endeavor ensures users fully unlock access to one of the most empowering knowledge bases to ever exist.

Exclusively available to our core team of 1,000 verified XSYOPpers for free, our knowledge base unveils both the told and untold aspects of web3. Going beyond conventional tutorials, its underlying essence is to enhance your awareness, poise, intuition, and speed while navigating Web3. This allows you to fully explore all the empowering and productivity-oriented web3 tools relevant to 'mining the human' and elevating to the status of p2p humansβ€”an advanced breed capable of becoming generation-fixers.

To incorporate a directional paradigm, our Web3 knowledge base follows a strategic learning path:

  1. Establishing 'Crypto is not money'.

  2. Shifting from ROI-centric Mentality Associated With Crypto.

  3. Navigating the Cryptosphere & Interacting with Web3 Tools.

  4. Earning Your First Cryptocurrency/NFT.

  5. Utilizing Your Cryptocurrency/NFT

  6. Creating Your Own Cryptocurrency/NFT Project.

  7. Incorporating Crypto into Non-Crypto Projects.

Explore the depths of web3 knowledge with XSYOP's flagship product, the first and only Web3 Knowledge Base, commencing with the first 42 tutorials of the series as featured below:

Understanding Crypto Quickly (9 Topics)

Adjusting Mentalities - Crypto Isn’t Money (12 Topics)

Cryptocurrency Wallets (15 Topics)

Crypto Is A Peer-To-Peer Ecosystem (12 Topics)

The Future

The XSYOP web3 knowledge base is not just a static resource; it will evolve into an empowering productivity dapp in the near future. Stay tuned for continuous updates and expansions.

Join us on this revolutionary journey as we empower individuals, unlock the full potential of web3, and shape a brighter future for generations to come.

Join The Team

We're assembling a team of 1,000 P2P humans to lead the charge. As a core member, you'll not only shape the future but also enjoy exclusive perks, receive a complimentary XSYDROP, have early and exclusive access to XSYOP-crafted products such as the first and only ordered web3 knowledge base, and actively contribute to our shared goals.

✨ How to Join:

  1. Visit the XSYOP website.

  2. Apply by filling up this form!

Be part of world-adjustment, let's usher in the era of #XSYOP together!

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